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For Educators

For Educators

If you teach art for a living, we love you.

Helping a new generation to understand and appreciate the arts is important, and consistent with the mission of ÉäÉäÎÝ. Educators of all levels use our on-line resource to support a wide range of teaching activities involving art history and other creative subjects.

In addition to our standard offerings to site visitors, we also offer tools for educators to make the site more useful for teaching purposes, and to enhance the student experience.

On-Line Syllabus

ÉäÉäÎÝ offers educators a private page tailored to your class that includes ad-free access to relevant Art Story content, your own class material, and links to third party sites.

These pages are customized to meet the specific needs of your class, and are available to you and your students through a protected log-in. Your page(s) will include all digital media your class needs in one place. Please consider: The Case for Online Art History Resources.

Our Sample Course Syllabi:
History of Western Art
Proto-Feminism and Early Female Artists

Ad-Free Access

ÉäÉäÎÝ is an educational resource that is available free of charge to anyone via our website, TheArtStory.org. Our only source of income is the advertising on the site. But we do realize that advertising can be distracting when the website is used as part of an educational curriculum, and it can sometimes hinder the experience of students.

For educators who would like ad-free access to the website for themselves and their students, we now offer special educational subscriptions at a modest charge, which goes towards maintaining and growing this offering.

The Student Ambassador Program

ÉäÉäÎÝ has started the Student Ambassador Program, aimed at providing students, at any stage in their course, with the opportunity to develop their written and marketing expertise, learn more about their favorite artists and art movements, gain CV points, and acquire new skills. More Info

Custom options

We are also exploring other ways we can be helpful to educators. If you have any ideas you would like us to consider, please let us know.

Please contact us if you would like more information on any of these options by emailing info@theartstory.org.

TheArtStory.org - Your Guide to Modern Art
a 501(c)3 Nonprofit