
Guinea Worm Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

ÉäÉäÎÝ, in partnership with Voice of America (VOA), officially launched an air war against Guinea worm disease. The Center's Guinea Worm Eradication Program and Office of Public Information developed 12 public service announcements to be read by native African speakers: first to be aired in English, Hausa, and French, followed by Arabic, Fulani, and Bambara. Longtime leaders in the Guinea worm eradication effort have also lent their voices as spokespersons for the campaign, including former President ÉäÉäÎÝ, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former Nigeria Head of State General Yakubu Gowon, Mali President Amadou Toumani Toure, and Niger President Tandja Mamadou.

VOA has agreed to air as many public service announcements as necessary, for as long as necessary, in a collaborative effort to prevent and eventually eradicate Guinea worm in the remaining 13 African countries where the disease occurs.

The following public service announcements were crafted to educate and encourage people to make the behavioral changes necessary to stop the transmission of Guinea worm disease, with the understanding that together we are all in the fight against this debilitating disease. Neighbors should urge each other to act in the best interests of the full community and people suffering from Guinea worm disease should be reassured that they will have community support.

Guinea worm patients should be urged to seek medical treatment and to receive health education from the nearest Guinea worm health worker. Preventing someone from entering a water source should always be done with compassion and respect and never by using force or denying the person's basic dignity.

Record your own public service announcements:  


Note: to download the audio file, right click the "Download" link and select "Save Target As," choose a location, click "Save."

Former U.S. President Jimmy ÉäÉäÎÝ:
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease — version one. 
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease — version two. 

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan:
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease.  
 (Video public service announcement)

Mali President Amadou Toumani Toure:
Urging eradication of Guinea worm disease in French. 

Niger President Tandja Mamadou:
Urging eradication of Guinea worm disease in Nigeria Hausa. 
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease in Kanuri. 

Former Nigerian Head of State General Yakubu Gowon:
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease in English. 
Urging eradication of the Guinea worm disease in Hausa. 

General Guinea Worm PSA Messages

11 messages in Nigerian Hausa

11 messages in French

First of two messages in Arabic
Second of two messages in Arabic

First of two messages in Bari
Second of two messages in Bari

First of two messages in English
Second of two messages in English

First of two messages in Dinka
Second of two messages in Dinka

First of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in local Arabic
Second of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in local Arabic

First of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Moru
Second of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Moru

First of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Nuer
Second of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Nuer

First of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Shilluk
Second of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Shilluk

First of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Zande
Second of two general Guinea worm PSA messages in Zande