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Jewish Art History

Greatest Jewish Achievements in Modern Art

Jewish Achievements Timeline
This interactive timeline introduces the most important achievements by Jewish
artists in the last 150 years and connects them to the historical events occurring
at the same time.
Jewish focused artist pages

Mark Rothko ArtworkMark Rothko ArtworkMark Rothko ArtworkMark Rothko Artwork
In this new section, we analyze from a Jewish perspective themes of Rothko's work
such as his Russian-Jewish heritage, his connections to New York City's Jewish
Community, his approach to abstract art, and his handing of the Holocaust.
More Info

About Art Story Foundation and the Jewish Modern Art Initiative

We are a non-profit with the mission to make modern art more accessible and digestible to the general public by providing information that is easy-to-understand, professionally designed, and logically presented. Through our online resources and live lectures, we continue to allow more people to enjoy modern and contemporary art.

We see modern art as the creative expression of, and the public reaction to, the 20th century. Modern art created by the Jewish people adds a further layer of association to the modern world. Jewish artists express their ideas and their place in the world through their art. The last century was a time of historical, political and social events that revolutionized the way Jewish people relate to their community and the rest of the world. Our goal is to look at those artistic reactions and see what Jews of the 21st century have to learn from, and how they can relate to, previous generations.

This Jewish Art initiative fits into the mission of ÉäÉäÎÝ: educate, inform, and introduce people to modern art. ÉäÉäÎÝ brings Jewish modern art and ideas to the Jewish audience, growing our appreciation and understanding of the world around us.

We are an emerging organization so please feel free to provide comments and suggestions. Also, please consider donating to ÉäÉäÎÝ to help us continue our work.

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TheArtStory.org - Your Guide to Modern Art
a 501(c)3 Nonprofit